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Posts tagged with History

Commodore memories

Mein RetromuseumMein Retromuseum by Andrea & Stefan (cc by)

On the occasion of the Commodore 64 turning 30 years old this week, a post on MetaFilter elicited memories of a bygone era from many members including sonascope's tales of family using them today and Ivan Fyodorovich's memories of a VIC-20 and pining for the c64. 1541 FTW!

by mathowie

Why Los Angeles is different, its history, and what makes it great

Los Angeles at Night from the Griffith ObservatoryLos Angeles at Night from the Griffith Observatory by @andrewghayes (cc by)

MeFi member nickrussell breaks down the history of Los Angeles (including San Francisco, and the West) in detail, going back over a century:

It's very easy to forget that London has had 1,000 years to develop. New York has had 300. San Francisco has had 175 or so. Yet Los Angeles is barely even 100 years in. And it grew so quickly, like a metropolitan puppy with big paws. It stumbled and fell all over them, before finally finding it's stride and grade.

by mathowie

"The use of the word hot to refer to something sexually arousing also dates back to the 1500s"

ManuscriptManuscript by Muffet (cc by)

An amazing thread on Ask MetaFilter has a simple premise: What are some current-sounding phrases that go back further than you would think--used the way we use them today? The thread is filled with gems like this jawdropper:

"Newfangled" appears in Chaucer's works, circa 1390

by mathowie

The Secret Spies Among Us

swiss re artswiss re art by phogel (cc by)

In a thread about the odd new Swiss/US dual-citizenship of Michele Bachmann, MeFi member The 10th Regiment of Foot tells the tale of being "a 12 year old Alabama dirt child" given French lessons from a former Swiss spy.

There she would have some sort of cultural lesson, usually centering around her incredible collection of antique goods pilfered from war-torn Europe (and why not turnabout is fair play, non?). She'd have laid out on her horsehair divan a spectacular tapestry, ceramic, or other artwork and we'd discuss its provenance and the story behind the person depicted.

by mathowie

Books on History that are fun to read

BooksBooks by shutterhacks (cc by)

Every few months there is an amazing book thread on Ask MetaFilter. This time it's books about History that are also fun to read. I agree with a few recommendations listed, especially Bill Bryson and Sarah Vowell's many books.

by mathowie

Capitol Baths: a walkthrough

US Capital BathtubsUS Capital Bathtubs by brianp8592

Recently the 99% invisible design podcast covered the baths found in the basement of congress, dating back to before the widespread use of plumbing. User Atreides describes exactly how you find them, and how to ask nicely to get in to see this once-secret place.

by mathowie

When MeFi was new

At my deskAt my desk by chrismear (cc by)

Long time user holgate paints a lovely picture of the weird spot MetaFilter existed in at its start, why it was different, and how it's different now:

the MeFi of 2000 was populated by people who gave a shit about the web as a distinct thing in itself, while the MeFi of 2012 quite rightly treats the web as something as pervasive and enveloping as the air we breathe.

originally spotted by jessamyn
by mathowie

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