Last Person Standing
floppy disks for breakfast by Blude (cc by)
Turns out the obsolete floppy is way more in demand than you’d think: great interview link from Etrigan.
floppy disks for breakfast by Blude (cc by)
Turns out the obsolete floppy is way more in demand than you’d think: great interview link from Etrigan.
Computer Chip by JD Hancock (cc by)
In case you missed it earlier, the very excellent Joy of Computing, featuring code snippets, computer-generated art, games, tools, crafts, libraries, and more from the Recurse Center community.
Mein Retromuseum by Andrea & Stefan (cc by)
On the occasion of the Commodore 64 turning 30 years old this week, a post on MetaFilter elicited memories of a bygone era from many members including sonascope's tales of family using them today and Ivan Fyodorovich's memories of a VIC-20 and pining for the c64. 1541 FTW!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.