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Posts tagged with AskMetafilter


Eve's Ear (Washington, DC)Eve's Ear (Washington, DC) by takomabibelot

Yesterday's most compelling Ask Metafilter post is possibly best presented by nothing more than a summary of its tags: bug; ear; earcanal; insect; killitkillitkillit; resolved.

by taz

AskMe Mysteries and Oddments

Easter egg in the Random AskMe button

Strong Prime SpiralatorsStrong Prime Spiralators by chrstphre (cc by)

It turns out there's an unintentional easter egg in AskMe. When you click Random Question in AskMe, how many clicks will it take you to arrive at this, the most likely AskMe question?

Do sneezes freeze in cold weather?

Frozen-Sneeze VittorioFrozen-Sneeze Vittorio by Emanuele Longo (cc by)

eotvos talks about sneezing while at the South Pole at -70s °F ... and mucus control while wearing a balaclava. Apparently, s'not that pretty.

by taz

"Bathrobes are the deerstalker hats of internet sleuthing" video screen capture'They made me wear my bathrobe' [screen capture from video via]

Now is the time when I am typing. I am typing on my computer doing internet things. Isn't this interesting? Cool internet things. I solved a puzzle and now people are taking pictures of me pretending to solve a puzzle. harperpitt

JannaK reports that the HLN network has produced a short video episode featuring the Ask Metafilter post requesting help with her late grandmother's coded messages, and "the true hero of this story: Metafilter's own harperpitt, her code-breaking skills, and the power of the hive mind in tackling web mysteries."

(Post title text grabbed from littlesq!)

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





