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Posts tagged with Amazon

Did you see these?!

Photo by John Jewell, via Flckr (

Here's a few recent MeFi posts you might have missed:

The Enshittifying

Giant Teddy BearGiant Teddy Bear by focusc (cc by)

Great link on the enshittification of the internet and how platforms die by Cory Doctorow

by taz

The spy who loved me

The WhisperThe Whisper by Brian Smithson (Old Geordie) (cc by)

Are Siri, Alexa, et al, relaying your private conversations to advertisers? Kadin2048 on why this isn't the case, why the truth is actually more nefarious, and why the distinction matters.

by taz

Holiday Commerce Reminders!

Doing some holiday shopping? You can support MetaFilter while you do it in a couple of ways:

1. Buy stuff made by members of the MetaFilter community, at the MeFi Mall. Crafty MeFites have got a bunch of neat stuff available!

2. Getting stuff from Amazon? Visit via our referrer link to let MetaFilter get a little bit of credit for the shopping you were going to do anyway.

For more details, you can check out this MetaTalk thread.

by cortex

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher





