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Posts tagged with pasta

I know what I'm cooking tonight!

Screenshot from How To Cream Pasta Like a Great Master - The Ultimate Guide by Luciano Monosilio

Cheese and pepper? Yes, of course, according to Greg_Ace’s homemade and lovingly baked post about four roman pasta dishes united by these not so similar ingredients.

A Penne for Your Thoughts?

a single uncooked Penne noodlePenne Rigate, so much better than Lisce, tutti lo sanno

Did you know that there's a pasta rabbit hole? Well, apparently, yes, and davebarnes went down it and survived. Mumimor descended the pasta & chicken hole, yyz adds a durum roll, and St. Oops's mom was a recipe developer for an American pasta company. Lots of great comments in the Pasta  thread.

by taz

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