"One of the most fun and memorable jobs I've ever had..."
Fair Food by MEFI's OWN Waldo Jaquith (cc by-sa)
The machine also had a lot of blinking lights and complex looking buttons, which I thought were important features I didn't know how to operate for the first few days, and then learned they were just for appearance and to make the machine look more futuristic or such. I poked fun at their brochure and logo at the time, laid out entirely in comic-sans, a sin for a wanna-be graphic designer like myself. I still remember one of the guys impassioned response, borne of having to defend it multiple times. "Why do people hate comic-sans? It's happy, it's FUN."
Pandalicious's first comment is a memory of working at the Tulsa State Fair back when Nitro Ice Cream was getting started.