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Posts from April 2024

Ad Maiorem Gloriam Concreti

photo of the spacious interior with lofty dramatic ribbed ceiling and rows of wooden pewsChiesa di San Nicolao della Flue in Milan, Italy via

"All of these look like first-person shooter levels" (– egypturnash): kaibutsu posted Brutalist Churches, and opinions amble the gamut.

by taz


product shot of a hot pink boombox with rounded edges against a bubblegum pink background Nextplay Glitz and Glitter Boombox

For more than two years, the world of lost media has been flummoxed by 17 seconds of grainy audio uploaded to a small name-that-song site ... until now.

by taz

Recipe ROI

a glass serving bowl of couscous dotted with dollops of white cheese and half a lemon sitting atop a colorful napkin on a tablePhoto of lemon couscous and cheese by Lisa Fotios on

NotLost is looking for recipes with high return on investment, where the taste, appearance or "wow factor" is much more than the effort, time or money put into the dish.

by taz

"My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today"

Hydropsyche created a post about life after running and how athletes cope with age. In the comments, gmatom shared the moving story of her and her wife and how they fell in love with running through the course of their marriage. This love continued through the awful arrival of cancer and dwindling health to cross a personal finishing line of their own making.

This intensity does not seem not-pleasant

Space shot of a beautiful orange miasma against a clouded blue background sprinkled with stars and a bright exploding supernova near the bottom of the sceneHubble Monitors Supernova In Nearby Galaxy M82 from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Mefites are expressing joy that their seeking-tendrils have encountered the short science fiction story "Hello! Hello! Hello!" by Fiona Jones ... plus general vibrating gratitude at brainwane for her sharing of awesome stories!

by taz

What a view!

When you're parked about a million miles from Earth, just observing the planet, there's not a lot going on. But as pointed out in a post by Tell Me No Lies, sometimes you do get Mooned.

Don't Be Evil?

Image by Casey Fleser, via Flickr (

When and why did Google search get so bad? Zenon's post has an answer! It's about Edward Zitron, who pinpoints the date and reasons to February of 2019, click to read the details!

What's in a (British) name

Check out this neat tool made by MeFite robintw: the British Placename Mapper and it lets you search for British place names that match certain queries. So you can find all places named 'churchill’ or 'royal' in their name. Sadly, nothing seems to be named 'biscuit'.

Egypt: Dendera, the cosmos of Hathor

a detail including figures representing decans, 36 stars or star groups that could be used to tell the time during the night. Seen here, a lion-headed god and goddess, a snake with coiled tail, and an erect snake holding two jars Lions and snakes on astronomical ceiling at Dendera

Rhaomi has a fabulous in-depth post on the very fabulous Dendera temple complex, home to "some of the most superbly-preserved ancient Egyptian art known, ranging from early Roman times back to the Middle Kingdom period over 4,000 years ago." Amazing photography, video, interviews, background, blog posts, and a "slick zoomable scroller." So much. So good.

by taz

Something Up Your Sleeve

a person in a black robe surrounded by books and candles holding a wand over a cauldron emitting a foggy vaporPhoto by Artem Maltsev on

jasondigitized wants to know your magic work phrase that helps you better communicate, frame, set expectations, lead, or work with your colleagues.

by taz

Vintage Japanese Fireworks Archive

two-page spread from the catalog featuring illustrations of two fireworks, labeled No. 86 and No. 87, in red and light blue against a black background

nobody posted the beautifully minimalist Hirayama Fireworks' Illustrated Catalog of Night Bomb Shells from the 1890s, via the Yokohama City Library.

by taz

Keeping The World's Tubes Up And Running!

Photo by Kendrick Erickson, via Flickr (

Turns out the internet actually is a series of tubes! Or at least cables, laying on the floor of the world's oceans, with all the muck and salt. Somebody has repair them, as chronicled in this post by 'the duck by the oboe', which looks at the undersea cables, how they get damaged, and how they get repaired.

“I was having an emotion, and I hate that.”

Photo of author by Lisa Blaschke

MonkeyToes made a post about Martha Wells, author of the popular Murderbot series, and a keynote address she gave about the rationale behind the main character of the series. Topics range from achieving body and mental autonomy, to slavery, to the joy of a simple life, in a fascinating speech about what a sentient AI might actually want.

Community wisdom about sleep

Photo of a sleeping man and dog, on a couachPhoto by Andrew Roberts, via Flickr ( You just want to fall asleep, we get it🛌🥱 But it doesn’t always come easy and you’ve tried a few different things already. So, check out this post by brainwane, which highlights a few notes on how to sleep. Then stick around in the comments as members chime in on what’s worked for them😴💤

"Yeah, well, the Wasteland’s got its own golden rule"

The tv adaptation of the retro futuristic game Fallout has premiered on Amazon Prime, and MetaFilter is digging it on the FanFare sub-site. Each episode has its own thread to discuss the particular episode, you can subscribe to an RSS feed about the series, so what are you waiting for, come watch it with us!

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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