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Posts tagged with repair

Keeping The World's Tubes Up And Running!

Photo by Kendrick Erickson, via Flickr (

Turns out the internet actually is a series of tubes! Or at least cables, laying on the floor of the world's oceans, with all the muck and salt. Somebody has repair them, as chronicled in this post by 'the duck by the oboe', which looks at the undersea cables, how they get damaged, and how they get repaired.

No seriously, let me fix that for you!

Shoe repairShoe repair by knapjack (cc by)

Bella Donna's post about France offering subsidies for clothing repairs has spawned an excellent collection of tips on clothing and shoe repair!

Teching the tech tech

Ain Manawir (VII)Ain Manawir (VII) by isawnyu (cc by)

JoeZydeco on how a vending machine knows what coin you've put in (and why the Mars candy company spun off an electronics company)

seasparrow on ancient underground water-distribution systems called "qanats"... including diagrams

codacorolla on their academic research on Minecraft players

The evolution of thimble technology, as seen in artifacts found scattered across England

A nice discussion of the importance of the skills needed to maintain old systems

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