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Posts tagged with Astronomy

Egypt: Dendera, the cosmos of Hathor

a detail including figures representing decans, 36 stars or star groups that could be used to tell the time during the night. Seen here, a lion-headed god and goddess, a snake with coiled tail, and an erect snake holding two jars Lions and snakes on astronomical ceiling at Dendera

Rhaomi has a fabulous in-depth post on the very fabulous Dendera temple complex, home to "some of the most superbly-preserved ancient Egyptian art known, ranging from early Roman times back to the Middle Kingdom period over 4,000 years ago." Amazing photography, video, interviews, background, blog posts, and a "slick zoomable scroller." So much. So good.

by taz


Let's check in on humanity's solar system exploration before 2024 kicks in: doctornemo has made a fantastic post about the current state of developments in space, including asteroid bits, fast spaceships, JuMBOs, a space battle, and a space cat video .

by taz

Courage, Dear Hearts!

courage dear heartcourage dear heart by distelfliege (cc by)

We've borrowed the quidnunc kid's kind message of love and sharing to all of us to wrap up some touching, interesting, inspiring, educational, fun and/or funny posts to take our minds off certain recent events:

Dear hearts, I should write to you all and each only to say: you are dear, precious, lovely and great hearts. But my words are all worthless, and your honest hearts are greater than my useless words. Persist, I beg you; if we cry together maybe fate will let us halve our tears. But better that you have relief, if the Earth did not make hearts for only weeping.

by taz

Women's Work

Nathalia Holt book coverNathalia Holt's "Rise of the Rocket Girls"

Amaaaaazing post from filthy light thief on the women behind the Jet Propulsion Lab and NASA, and the book by Nathalia Holt that celebrates them. 🚀

by taz

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