'ear, 'ear!
September 6th, 2017: the day thousands of Mefites checked for foulness behind their ears for the very first time — Elly Vortex
Melismata asks why the backs of her ears sometimes smell like rhinoceros ass ... and Mefites have answers!
September 6th, 2017: the day thousands of Mefites checked for foulness behind their ears for the very first time — Elly Vortex
Melismata asks why the backs of her ears sometimes smell like rhinoceros ass ... and Mefites have answers!
So on day one, I load a towel into the drier and hop in the shower because I am a wise man. Yes, it was as decadent as you imagine...
Flyingfox discusses the lesser known perils of nano-bathrooms, stacked dryers, and the adventurous bather in The UK and USA: two proud nations divided by damp, grey underwear thread.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.