dead air space
Snorkel en Rojas by almirot (cc by)
Scuba and snorkel instructor here. I have had reservations about the full face masks since they came out: danapiper comments in the Drowning in three feet of water thread.
Snorkel en Rojas by almirot (cc by)
Scuba and snorkel instructor here. I have had reservations about the full face masks since they came out: danapiper comments in the Drowning in three feet of water thread.
Expressionistische Tanzstudie Tanzbertchen der Tänzerin Lavinia Schulz
Knowledge of their astonishingly bizarre and tragic art is obscure and largely based on the rediscovery in 1986 of artifacts deposited in a Hamburg museum back in 1925.
The strange story of the 1920s German expressionist mask dancers Lavinia Schulz and Walter Holdt in Dying for their Art.
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