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Posts tagged with lighthouse

February for Library Lovers

Alcove 5BAlcove 5B by ep_jhu (cc by-nc)

Dr. Carla Hayden could be the #nextLOC: President Obama announces his intent to nominate Dr. Carla Hayden as the next Librarian of Congress

A peek into the traveling libraries of light house keepers: "When he visits a lighthouse that has a library he takes it away and replaces it"

"Obama's face has been etched out": A short video tour of the library at Guantanamo

Plus, a popular favorite from the vaults: Remember, if approached by a librarian, keep still. Do not run away.

And, recently in Ask Me: Why are comics and graphic novels catalogued as nonfiction in libraries?

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





