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Posts tagged with harris

It's Here

retro stylized graphic of a ballot box with lightning and arrows with the text image via

Rhaomi has made a great, in-depth US election day megapost, The Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes.

by taz

Soooo, about US politics....

Photo by Eden, Janine and Jim, via Flickr (

It’s been a busy few years in US politics since last week’s attempted assassination of Republican Nominee Donald Trump. First, the US Supreme court dismissed the classifieds documents case against Trump, then he picked a new Vice President, while Biden pushed for Supreme court reform, then canceled more student loan debt, then stepped down at the Democratic nominee and Kamala Harris stepped up for the spot (check out the uspolitics tag for all the posts). 

As for Harris becoming the presumptive Democratic Nominee, there are questions about how DNC delegates are selected. Lucky for us, community member BlueJae has been a state level delegate several times and does a deep dive about the process in Missouri, with thoughts on what other states will do. Fascinating look at how the process works!

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