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Posts tagged with buttons

Strong feelings for knobs, switches and buttons

Photo of a pair of hands with a small, open, field notebook and fountain pen on the left and small, sleek, chrome colored TP–7 audio recorder on the right with a glass of red wine in the middle backObject of lust: TP–7 field recorder, via

Help satisfy dmd's lust for beautiful functional objects? Difficulty level, been there, fiddled with that.

by taz

So Touching!

Roentgen IV control panelRoentgen IV control panel by internets_dairy (cc by)

The satisfying resistance of a well-designed knob, the almost imperceptible click of the needle in a VU meter, the tapping of keys, the gentle whirring of reels and discs… simple pleasures.

We can't put our finger on exactly why, but we're feeling chavenet's new post, The Tactile Beauty of Buttons, Meters, Knobs and Dials. 🔘

by taz

Grass roots LGBT history: a thread

pin imageOne of the dozens of pins now available for viewing at Paud's Pins

This is a thread about what my friend found in her attic...

Fascinating post from MartinWisse about the discovery, sorting, and disposition of a treasure trove of pamphlets, copies of Gay Comix and other LGBT literature, as well as several dozen buttons for various political and lgbt campaigns from a crucial period for the LGBTQI+ movement.

by taz

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