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Posts tagged with AskMeFi

Help for old school Blogger users

Blogger Logo

Are you an old school Blogger user from back in the day? I bet you got a few "update your old account" emails this week (I got 7 of them) and wondered why. MeFi member feelinglistless wondered if they were fake emails and how to save those old blogs associated with them and lucky for him, a Google engineer that works on Blogger showed up to explain why they emailed everyone and helped out a few users along the way.

by mathowie

An Oldie but a Goodie

me & scodyme & scody by jessamyn (cc by-nc-sa)

A recent Ask MeFi question referenced an older thread, both about couples that make it work where one person is an intellectual while the other is not. Longtime member scody shares her own happy experiences with a quote that is so great it has to be shared:

"having things in common is overrated. Having each other in common is what's rare."

originally spotted by jessamyn
by mathowie

Working for the Weekend

UntitledEl increíble SleeveFace Gaudério by Môsieur J. [version 7.0.1] (cc by) & El increíble SleeveFace Gaudério by mauren veras (cc by)

If you're looking for some classic music, look no further than this recent Ask MetaFilter question about "perfect albums". Hours of great music await.

by mathowie

Books on History that are fun to read

BooksBooks by shutterhacks (cc by)

Every few months there is an amazing book thread on Ask MetaFilter. This time it's books about History that are also fun to read. I agree with a few recommendations listed, especially Bill Bryson and Sarah Vowell's many books.

by mathowie

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





