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Posts tagged with funny

"In dark times, a hero emerges from an unlikely place..."

Countouring_BIALE _ Nanshy_IGP5798Countouring_BIALE _ Nanshy_IGP5798 by NanshyOfficial (cc by-sa)

I don't know what I expected, but it was not 'you will have to pause a 5-minute video about makeup fundamentals twice because you will not be able to stop laughing.' – mhoye

if the men find out we can shapeshift, they're going to tell the church: Contouring 101

(hat tip to shibori for the title)

by taz

Day of Hubris

DryerDryer by jon|k (cc by-nc-nd)

So on day one, I load a towel into the drier and hop in the shower because I am a wise man. Yes, it was as decadent as you imagine...

Flyingfox discusses the lesser known perils of nano-bathrooms, stacked dryers, and the adventurous bather in The UK and USA: two proud nations divided by damp, grey underwear thread.

by taz

I'm sure you've never been involved in a completely pointless argument...

Not getting InvolvedNot getting Involved by TarikB (cc by-nc)

So if you want to see what one looks like, go ahead and amble over here for your edification.

by taz

Courage, Dear Hearts!

courage dear heartcourage dear heart by distelfliege (cc by)

We've borrowed the quidnunc kid's kind message of love and sharing to all of us to wrap up some touching, interesting, inspiring, educational, fun and/or funny posts to take our minds off certain recent events:

Dear hearts, I should write to you all and each only to say: you are dear, precious, lovely and great hearts. But my words are all worthless, and your honest hearts are greater than my useless words. Persist, I beg you; if we cry together maybe fate will let us halve our tears. But better that you have relief, if the Earth did not make hearts for only weeping.

by taz

"Stir it with a workmate's pen - never your own"

Caution: I'm HotCaution: I'm Hot by CarbonNYC [in SF!] (cc by)

The goal is to take this fiery, unstable chalice to the sugar counter without losing too many fingers to third degree burns. Once there you add roughly two sugars. I say "roughly" because there aren't actually any spoons - just one of those weird sugar jars with a funnel lid (which may, or may not, be clogged up) so you have to guesstimate.

garius on "caff tea."

by taz

"Back In My Day"

Scholars at a Lecture by William Hogarth

Okay, so I said I'd tell the full story of the perennially misbehaving student from the 18th-century. Here it is!

Catseye presents a provocative potboiler about a puckish pupil from the past.

by taz

Weirdness, secret tunnels, haunted houses, goats, the usual

GoatGoat by (cc by)

In jessamyn's post about the man who lived in a huge secret apartment in the landmark historic theater he rescued, other stories of secret spaces including secret tunnels all over a city.

Gimme some stories of goats misbehaving!

...or some eerie spooky stories that aren't gross or horrible

...or some websites with fun interesting stuff for when the news gets me down.

Rx: Teh Funny

LaughLaugh by Donna L. Faber (cc by-nd)

Movies, tv shows, YouTube, books .... looking for the BIG LAUGH. Not ironic, not sarcastic. Immediately, viscerally funny.

For kestralwing and Mr. K, the best Rx needed, stat: Laughter may be the best medicine, but where can I buy some?

by taz

"someone deserves the Spell of Forlorn Encystment"

Dragon ScreamDragon Scream by Brandon James Scott (cc by-nc-nd)

Want to hear Mefites hiss and spit over sins of omission (and inclusion!) in another "best books" thread, and pick up some great member reading recommendations along the way? Check out the thread on The 51 Best Fantasy Series Ever Written. (tip of the wizard hat to y2karl for the title)

In other news, Space Journey Walrus makes an entrance in a thread about some Very Serious Developments Indeed in the aftermath of "this year's kerpupple surrounding the Hugo awards," soon acquiring form (and fashion) and narrative arc. What strange new realms await our hero?

by taz

most excellent fancy

Sausalito, CASausalito, CA by ClatieK (cc by-nd)

The very recent 'rats in the shitter' ...
posted by Fig

God, I think I laughed at Rats in the Shitter for 10 minutes straight posted by thetortoise

I think we're due for another "this comment made me choke on my own spit" meta thread!: In Metatalk, phunniemee asks Mefites for "your favorite funny comments, moments where other mefites have made you giggle uncontrollably"

by taz

This Bears Watching

3-eyed Bear3-eyed Bear by Brandon James Scott (cc by-nc-nd)

Please Don't Ursinate in Pool! – Atom Eyes

Shibori's first post about a video of a home pool invasion by bears is a fun thread with some great anecdotes from nevercalm and Nerd of the North.:

a bear that is not much larger than a traditional stuffed teddy bear is quite strong enough to do whatever it wants, fuck you very much

After several months of eating nothing but salmon, you'd be pretty desperate for a Breath Saver, too.

"I don't know," I said. "What do you think it is? I have an idea but it's kind of disgusting."

by taz

So you want to impregnate a pig...

small pigsmall pig (cc by)

MonkeyToes owns a farm and has learned to do lots of strange things not taught in school, like how to help impregnate a pig:

The key, at least from my end, was to keep her calm and more or less still for the five or six minutes it took my husband to remove the cap from the semen container, fit it into his end of the spirette, and gradually squeeze its contents down the long tube.

by mathowie

Competitive Fit Bitting

w00tw00t by @boetter (cc by)

In an effort to improve everyone's fitness, MeFi member barchan relates the story of competing for the most daily steps against her parents:

Not long after we started, my parents both started catching up to me, even without the handicaps. This is great! I thought. And because you can't help but compete with your own fitbit, I started upping my daily totals. And so did they. And so did I. And so did they.

by mathowie

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