It could happen to you
Banana peel for scale
Slipping on a Banana Peel | Manifesting a Dr. Who Scarf | Glare Rage | eBikery | Bad Service | ChatGPT Gaslighting
Banana peel for scale
Slipping on a Banana Peel | Manifesting a Dr. Who Scarf | Glare Rage | eBikery | Bad Service | ChatGPT Gaslighting
Mr. Grumpy Potato by banger1977 (cc by-sa)
The way it worked was you would get up at 4:30 in the morning in winter to be there at the produce place by 5:30 and once you were there you would find that about a hundred kilos of potatoes had been pre-rumbled – I’ll explain in a moment – and were already sitting in their solution. The solution was some kind of mystery powder – I never asked what it was because I didn’t give a shit because I wanted to kill myself – that you dumped into these big rectangular tubs of water that were arranged in a sort of frame table, I think it was six tubs across, and then you had this sieve shelf that sat across them...
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