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Posts tagged with era

Radio active voice

The Brox Sisters tune their radioThe Brox Sisters tune their radio

I'm working on a performance bit that uses 1920s diction, but there's something I'm missing. What are the elements of the popular radio voice that make it distinctive?

Some interesting answers to monkihed's interesting question, Linguists: what makes the 1920s voice so distinctive?

by taz

I'm thinking about creating an interactive fiction game...

The Old Room of Macabre DetritusThe Old Room of Macabre Detritus by Stuck in Customs (cc by-nc-sa)

I want to know more about the material culture of a large English country house or great house in the Victorian era. ...if a house like this somehow got frozen in time, and you came along a century later and could wander around inside, what would you find?

Among the answers, Jane the Brown offers a very nice overview of the state of the estate.

by taz

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