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Posts tagged with cows

Udderly good stories!

Photo by Orangeaurochs, via Flickr (

Feel good stories about cows! First up, a post about automated and voluntary milking of cows, shared by chariot pulled by cassowaries. Then BlueHorse joined in with a post about cows getting pedicures! Anyone else moootivated to share links about our bovine cousins?!

The truth about cow tipping

Cows cows cowsCows cows cows by aWorldTourer (cc by)

Peemster--the author of a piece linked on MeFi--shares with us additional information from his source farmer Nate Wilson.

I would open by telling you quite frankly to be highly suspect of anyone that tells you they have accomplished a successful "cow-tipping" as they will almost certainly lie to you about more important things, as well. I am most comfortable stating unequivocally that "cow-tipping" is naught but a classic urban legend, promoted largely by juvenile minded, immature, inebriated young adult males attempting to embellish resumes otherwise lacking in noteworthy personal accomplishment. Kindly allow me to make my case...

by jessamyn

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