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Towering achievement

Concurs de castells Tarragona 2008 68Concurs de castells Tarragona 2008 68 by fer55. (cc by-sa)

Amazing pictures of the traditional Catalonian human towers called castells. Mefites share more background:

samelborp reports in from Catalonia: "... I went to the plaça de la vila (town's main square) to see them perform. One thing is to watch it in TV, but when you are there you realize what it takes to build those inmense human towers, the huge amount of people and how they arrange themselves..."

fuzz follows castelling too: "[Catalan tv] covers the Castellers every week as though it were a major sporting event. [...] it's amazing how the competition has intensified ... An 8-level castell was impressive a few years back; this time I got to see two successful 10-level towers."

In a 2005 thread, shoepal told how "I actually participated in a castelling (practice) event on a hot autumn afternoon in a small town outside of Barcelona. I was part of the base of the castle and had folks walking on my shoulders towards the center."

...and benzo8 on being a regular casteller: "us guys at the bottom may well have ten people directly on our shoulders, and maybe fifty-sixty people above us in total!"

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