Mefites' Choice 2014 Winners, Week 4 and 2014 recap
The fourth and final week of the MeFites' Choice 2014 Winners are up. We also updated the end-of-year stats pages in Labs.
The fourth and final week of the MeFites' Choice 2014 Winners are up. We also updated the end-of-year stats pages in Labs.
Stephen Colbert Comics by AZRainman (cc by)
The results of the third week of our MeFites' Choice Awards are up!
Antill Ranger Trucking Australia by born1945 (cc by)
The results of the second week of our MeFites' Choice Awards are up!
December best post contest is a go!
Like previous years, we're doing a Best Post Contest for December where mods will choose favorites each week as well as one-off prizes given by users for their favorites. The prize list is being coordinated on the MeFi Wiki, and you can view past Best Post contests here. We'll make weekly announcements here of winners for the month.
MeFites' Choice Contest - Make a Good Post, Reward a Good Post
We've started collecting a list of prizes and topics for the 2013 MeFites' Choice Awards. Join us in MetaTalk and consider adding a prize and/or topic of your own?
Trophies by terren in Virginia (cc by)
We've been running a casual best post contest for December on MetaFilter (using audience votes via the fantastic flag) and so far the first two weeks of winners have been decided:
Week 1
Games Designed by Women
Privilege checking and callout culture
Week 2
A mega-post about the BBC series Porridge
A mega-post covering loads of data about how humans die
a mega-post about Paul Frees (the voice of Toucan Sam, Morocco Mole and Burgermeister Meisterburger)
Check them all out and stay tuned for next week's winners.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.