Ad Maiorem Gloriam Concreti
Chiesa di San Nicolao della Flue in Milan, Italy via
"All of these look like first-person shooter levels" (– egypturnash): kaibutsu posted Brutalist Churches, and opinions amble the gamut.
Chiesa di San Nicolao della Flue in Milan, Italy via
"All of these look like first-person shooter levels" (– egypturnash): kaibutsu posted Brutalist Churches, and opinions amble the gamut.
Ha Ha by renaissancechambara (cc by)
The "girl in concrete" illusion may not actually be an internet obsession, exactly, but for some of us, it did lead to the introduction of the ha-ha, or hâ-hâ, which is pretty cool ... and which, in this case, also led to learning about the only town in the world with two exclamation points in its name. Aaaah, the internet. So much ha-ha, so little time.
(Hat tip to GenjiandProust for the title)
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