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Posts tagged with clowns

Who's laughing now?

Do you remember stacking cups in gym class? If so, come read the link that gottabefunky shared of how that came to be and meet the literal clown that got the craze started. Fastest to finish wins!

The Fun gnaws away at itself and shows The Fear within

The ClownThe Clown by astio (cc by-nc-sa)

there's something elementally unnerving about the sort of unrestrained jouissance that clowns represent. I'm not quite willing to say it's universal, but we go way out of our way to set limits to enjoyment, pleasure, happiness, joy—and you don't have to agree with me, but this doesn't strike me as absurd. Every primal force is terrible. At some point silliness and happiness and fun and joy start to transgress itself and display its horror...

mr-o waxes philosophic on the primal paradox of the creepy clown problem.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





