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Mefites & the birds and the bees

Inaccessible Island Rail (Atlantisia rogersi)Inaccessible Island Rail (Atlantisia rogersi) by brian.gratwicke (cc by)

There's a reason why chapters of the "Feminist Bird Club" are popping up all over the world and it's part of a larger issue with outdoor recreation, spaces, jobs, and natural/environmental sciences in general that has spawned groups like Latino Outdoors, Outdoor Afro, Unlikely Hikers, and many others: Primalux discusses birding while Latina, poor, queer, and a woman in the Chris Cooper video birdwatch post.

Text TK talks about "my father, Douglas S. Rogers, who lived on Ascension Island from 1966 to 1971, working for Pan-American Airways' Aerospace division ... In his spare time he co-founded the island's historical society, took a ton of amazing photographs with his Hasselblad 500C, and aided visiting scientists" in the How do you get to Inaccessible Island? thread about world’s smallest flightless bird.

My first season, my class had been taught to how handle bees without gloves or even necessarily bee suits, just smokers. Non-africanized bees are gentle enough that they will rarely sting you if you know what you're doing ... Until autumn. Then they switch from "gather the bounty" mode to "protect the spoils at all costs" mode. Which our teacher deliberately did not tell us, because he wanted us to observe it for ourselves. By getting stung: showbiz_liz talks about the "domesticity" of bees in the I Want To Beelieve heart honeycomb thread.

Also recently: birds taking public transit; The Secret Society of Self-Stingers; Why Birds Do What They Do; 'Murder hornets'; "a vicious resource war is being fought between the avians and the rodents"; "Ferris Jabr critiques bird nests and the personalities that build them"; GPS-tracking the movements of eagles; Bird Tableau.

by taz

Welcome travelingthyme and loup to the mod team!
Very exciting MetaFilter news: we have two new part-time moderators joining the team. Come say hello to travelingthyme and loup!

by cortex

163: You must understand!
It's episode 163 of the MetaFilter monthly podcast, with cortex and jessamyn!

by cortex

162: Grip It And Rip It
It's episode 162 of the MetaFilter monthly podcast, with cortex and jessamyn!

by cortex

Let's make some art!
Hey, MetaFilter folks, Let's make some dang art! Want to show something off, or talk about art, or see what folks are making, or figure out how to get started? Come on in, take your mind of things.

by cortex

Card Swap!
Want to send some mail and get some mail? Join the Covid Card Swap! Sign up by Friday April 3 to participate.

by cortex

Scheduled downtime Sunday March 22
MetaFilter will be down for approximately 2 hours, 1:00-3:00 a.m. Pacific time, for some necessary server maintenance. Details in MetaTalk.

by cortex

161: Change Your Ding-Dang Clocks
It's episode 161 of the MetaFilter monthly podcast with cortex and jessamyn!

by cortex

160: That Was A Bood Posscat
It's Episode 160 of the MeFi podcast!

by cortex

#poctakeover posting intiative
You might have noticed an uptick in interesting posts the last few weeks by and about people of color; that's thanks to the #poctakeover posting project that a bunch of MeFites of color have been organizing and supporting together. Read more about the project, how it happened, and how it's been going at that link; you can also browse the poctakeover tag to see what you might have missed.

by cortex

Site finance update, 1/15/2020
Hey folks, here's the quarterly update on site finances.

by cortex

Podcast #159: Enter The Talkredoers
Hot off the presses, it's episode 159 of the MetaFilter Monthly Podcast with cortex and jessamyn!

by cortex

We're hiring a part-time MetaFilter moderator
MetaFilter is hiring a new part-time moderator! We're looking at candidates both within and outside the current MetaFilter community; you can find details about the job listing and application process here. We especially encourage people of color, women, sexual and gender minorities, people with disabilities, and members of other marginalized or underrepresented groups to apply.

Directly related: after nine years working here as a moderator, restless_nomad is headed out for new adventures. Drop by MetaTalk and wish her well!

by cortex

Happy New Year, MetaFilter
It's the new year, so, hey, happy new year everybody.

by cortex

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher





