A Love Story
“When I find myself dipping into the dark, I know that I can call up a Nelson town on the computer, and I begin to do the research, and I begin to conduct the interviews, and I start reaching out to people, and it just brings me back.”
“When I find myself dipping into the dark, I know that I can call up a Nelson town on the computer, and I begin to do the research, and I begin to conduct the interviews, and I start reaching out to people, and it just brings me back.”
Travelling through magic(Le voyage enchanté) by PATRICE OUELLET (cc by-nc-nd)
There's not a lot of research on this, because it can't be monetized and grief is hard to quantify in order to measure ... Lyn Never with some extremely insightful commentary on understanding grief in lab.beetle's Ask Metafilter post Can you help a friend with how hard and confusing grief can be?
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.