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Posts tagged with design

Blurred lines

the Catherine Palace (35)the Catherine Palace (35) by Dmitry Karyshev (cc by)

mumimor has some interesting thoughts about Eyebrows McGee's question on Decorating a Baroque palace

by taz

A Place for Everything

clutter montage 001clutter montage 001 by roberthuffstutter (cc by)

Welcome to cluttercore. People have opinions! In fact, every nook and cranny of this thread on TikTok's newest design trend is filled with different, fun, colorful opinions!

And in other news on filling things to the brim, Remittance by the Barrel is an interesting read about Caribbean communities carefully, lovingly curating barrels of items to ship to relatives outside of the U.S. Nice!

by taz

What Might this Cardi B?
Speaking of things found on the ground (earlier), Mystery Card. Do you recognize it?

by taz

Eye Drops

Moasic Monday : feb 25Moasic Monday : feb 25 by ali edwards (cc by-nc-nd)

carlypennylane asks Where are the Visual Inspiration Websites These Days?

by taz

"Fire and Quarrels"

image of Fireman's coat decorated with a depiction of the Toad SpiritFireman's coat decorated with a depiction of the Toad Spirit

Japanese Firemen’s Coats (19th century)

by taz

Sunday is a good day for railway history!

Waiting to come homeWaiting to come home by mripp (cc by)

Dame posted Retours, "a digital magazine on the intersection of railway history, design and photography."

by taz

Bias by design

Famous renamed Crayola crayons Flesh and the replacement color Peach, Indian Red and the replacement color ChestnutFamous renamed Crayola crayons, via Wikimedia

In Ask Metafilter, signal is looking for examples of or resources for identifying inherent biases in different kinds of design (industrial, service, interface, graphic, etc.)

by taz

How To Build a Less Tippy Canoe?

IMG_20140630_110754IMG_20140630_110754 by anadem (cc by-nc-sa)

anadem asks advice in Ask Metafilter: I made a little boat, a skin-on-frame canoe. It floats nicely when empty, but when I get in it tips me out. I want to make another boat that's more stable with me in it.

Don't miss the cool photos of the building process linked in the post!

by taz

July Bijou

The Letter Carrier short film imageThe Letter Carrier short film

Furnished: Film and Furniture furnishes you with fascinating facts about the décor in your favourite films

Unfurnished: This Is The Most Filmed In Alley In NYC

Selling the sizzle: This Is Why You Can't Stop Watching Movie Trailers

Selling the steak: Why Dwayne Johnson is the new Schwarzenegger

Crossed: "A Report Of Connected Events," short film blurs the lines between reality and our favourite stories

Double-crossed: Wild Things ... 12 double-crosses in a movie with a runtime of 108 minutes

Defining: Polish Radio Experimental Studio influenced animation soundtracks for generations to come

Redefining: a three-part essay series on costume design for heroic female characters

Time and space: This May Be Stanley Kubrick Explaining the End of 2001

Time and place: "The Letter Carrier," exquisite, chilling fable in a short film

by taz

Gender and the City

...sometimesnowhere.....sometimesnowhere.. by *ines_maria

Take a moment to look around you. Really look. See the city — the streets, the buildings, the spaces between them — and realize for a moment that virtually everything you see has been designed and shaped by men. Now imagine what it would be like if it were women-led. — Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman

supercrayon's Cities of ladies post is a stunning collection of great links about women-built cities, gender, women and urbanism / city planning.

by taz

Digging Art Deco

Belle Shore Deco DetailBelle Shore Deco Detail by Atelier Teee (cc by-nc-nd)

What do Art Deco and Archaeology have in common? Quite a bit, if you look at enough Art Deco architecture. Another fabulous deep-dive post from filthy light thief!

by taz

Menu A La Card

Steampunk Pirates cards by Nat IwataSteampunk Pirates cards by Nat Iwata at

misteraitch reveals a full house in his post on the World of Playing Cards, "a living encyclopaedia of the history and visual art of playing cards"

by taz

New Tricks

Style Pile II

Ramses condom package design via cardhouse.comRamses condom package design

Ramses condoms are named after Ramses II, who had almost 160 children. Condoms are kind of all about preventing lots of kids ... And the Trojans famously let a large object inside their city which discharged a swarm of invaders that destroyed it. Again, isn't this exactly the opposite of what a condom should do? Sangermaine

Arousing, spacey, spicy and dashing design recently on Mefi: Vintage condom package designs; An extravagant symbol of a man who can’t hide his true nature – A brief history on Spats; Taxi Fabric connects young Indian designers with taxi drivers; When Airlines Looked Cool and Showed It, posters from flying's golden age; In the '70s, NASA commissioned a redesign of their "meatball" logo... unfortunately a lot of NASA engineers hated it. And of course, Mefites weigh in on the Google logo redesign.

and in the Green: Who originated the ubiquitous laser/neon grid design of the '80s?; Cool examples of generative art?; How can I make beautiful Powerpoint Slides?; "The best way I can describe it is 'whimsical'" – Where can I get more plates like this?

by taz

Style Pile

Design Faves Logo DesignDesign Faves Logo Design by The Logo Smith (cc by-nc-nd)

In Ask Me recently:

Online resources for teaching basics of good document design?

Give me your colorful, cute, glam office supplies yearning to be free

Looking for the best dish drying rack ever

by taz

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