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A Final Gift from Anitanola

A note from Anitanola's sonA note from Anitanola's son

During this year's "Secret Quonsar" gift exchange, mefite a fiendish thingy received a lovely package full of stationary, notebooks and other trinkets, as well as two notes: one from her gift-giver, and one from her gift-giver's son, breaking the news that his mother, long-time Metafilter member Anitanola, had passed away on December 1st before she was able to send the package herself.

Her son wrote:

...She so appreciated her community of online friends, as she was housebound with considerable mobility issues. Even as she was worsening, however, she was concerned that this reach you, and that I “round out” the package with some locally made artcraft magnets. So I send this as she wished, and on her behalf wish you a fond hello and happy holiday season.

The metatalk thread is full of fond memories from Metafilter members who knew her, corresponded with her over the years, or merely recall with fondness her thoughtful, kind, and incisive comments on the site; her son wrote a thoughtful followup note to a fiendish thingy expressing thanks from himself and from two of Anita's closest friends who had also read the memorial comments.

by cortex

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