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Posts tagged with Music

Gimme All Your Love

Night-shot photo of Brittany Howard onstage dressed in a sleeveless multicolor flowy dress and black eyeglasses, playing a bright blue-green Gibson electric guitarAlabama Shakes Brittany Howard photo via

Wowzer. Rhaomi has crafted a no-stops-left-unpulled lovefest of a megapost on Alabama Shakes and Brittany Howard.

by taz

Peace and quiet by the river

screenshot from a video of Yo-Yo Ma playing Back by a river in the Great Smoky mountains of America.

Are you having one of THOSE days and needing a bit of soothing peace? Then come sit by a river in the Smoky Mountains of America and listen to Yo-Yo Ma play Bach, in this post by yankeefog.

Hello, have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?

Old fashioned black rotary dial phone on white surfacePhoto by Quino Al on Unsplash

Dialing in on the phone on Mefi: JanetLand posted WaPo's guide to modern phone etiquette, while in Ask Metafiler, Rash wants to know why you hold your phone like that, and niicholas is looking for songs with land-line telephone sounds

by taz

Am🐝ent Drone

Oh, wow, interesting! From moonmilk, in Music: For an installation at Moogfest in 2016, I put a bunch of sensors in a beehive and used the data to generate drone music. The sensors included air temperature and air pressure and some touch and light sensors to sense when bees were entering and exiting the hive.

by taz

"Phrygian? I don't even know Ian!"

Screen capture of a title page showing the text Phrygian at the top, a background of musical notes, and in the foreground an anime character wielding a sword and an angry Pikachu

Sure, you probably know there are major and minor scales. But unless you're really into music theory you might not realize those scales come in a whole variety of flavors called "modes"... Goofy, threatening, mysterious, devastating, relaxing: Zargon X posted 8-Bit Music Theory's analysis videos that use game music to illustrate modes.

by taz

I'm making a playlist for a picnic ...

Marc Johns whimsical illustration of a dancing cherry or strawberry pie with lattice crust and long, stick-like legs against a white background. Text: Your fresh baked pie will cool down faster if you let it do a little dance.Illustration by Marc Johns (

spamandkimchi asks for songs with lyrics about food (especially pie!)

by taz

Where tradition and minimalism meet

Somber close-up of Brighde Chaimbeul peering out through the pipes of a bagpipe or smallpipe instrumentphoto by Camille Lemoine via

yasaman posted about Brìghde Chaimbeul, the young musician from the Isle of Skye who is helping to bring back Scottish smallpipes from the edge of obscurity

by taz

"Researchers recognized the language"

cubby posted The Language You Cry In, "an amazing scholarly detective story that searches for —and finds— meaningful links between African Americans and their ancestral past. It bridges hundreds of years and thousands of miles from the Gullah people of present-day Georgia back to 18th century Sierra Leone."

by taz

Or as his real fans call him, "Dave"

against a black background, a head and shoulders sepia-tone photo of Dave Matthews in a long-sleeved t-shirt holding a white coffee mug and looking into the camera with a serious expression

Dave Matthews: You may have opinions. You may have *strong* opinions. You may have prejudices or fond memories. But only Floydd has the Dave Matthews Toe.

by taz

"he agrees with me for all the right reasons"

Confessions of a Disco FreakConfessions of a Disco Freak by kumar303 (cc by-sa)

Often-Interesting Reviews of 2,600+ singles and album tracks by some guy, a tasty reminder of old-school obsessive bloggy goodness, posted by OneGearIsEnough

by taz


Explosion!Explosion! by Rickydavid (cc by-nc-nd)

"I saw Moby naked! And I didn't like it at all!" — loquacious. Hey, mefites are discussing the Rolling Stones "When Rock Stars Screw Up" article!🤘🏼

by taz

"When The 80s Got All Proggy"

Genesis - Live in London - 25th March 2022 - The Final Domino tourGenesis - Live in London - 25th March 2022 - The Final Domino tour by kitmasterbloke (cc by)

Hippybear posted Weighty In The Eighties: When Prog Went Pop by Jim Allen for uDiscover, with all the mentioned songs/videos linked in the post.

by taz

Twice in a Lifetime

Promo photo: against a dark background, partial head and torso of David Byrne in the big suit on the left, and on the right, in red, the word Release in a box, and larger text Stop Making Sense, stacked

"a newly remastered version of my original post from 2011": kirkaracha's super juicy post on the newly remastered Stop Making Sense, 2023 now in our beautiful house.

by taz

Do you ever think of me?

"Fred Neil really did go searching for the dolphins in the sea": Don't miss vverse23's Searching for the dolphins in the sea, a lovely tribute to mysterious folk singer-songwriter Neil, his mission, his haunting, soulful song, and the artists who covered it.

by taz

Your chord is the fulcrum of a very extended musical pun

"it's something like an O Henry story, where the revelation in the last line makes you totally reconsider everything that happened in the story - every relationship, and everything you thought you knew on first reading, you have to put in a new light now ..." flug gives an amazing, detailed answer to cubeb's question, "How did Bach make this one jazzy chord fit into a Baroque chord progression?"

by taz

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