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Posts from November 2024

"unedited moments from random lives"

screen shot of video showing an aquarium with several fish swimming among rocks and sand. The image has a timestamp 'IMG 1953' at the top left corner. At the bottom, there is a display showing 'VIEWS 15' and 'DATE AUG 31, 2011' with play and pause buttons.

nobody posted about IMG_0001, a time capsule cache of mostly unwatched direct-to-Youtube iPhone Photo uploads – 5 million of them, from between 2009 and 2012, ordered randomly.

by taz

We have to help

PovertyPoverty by ArtBencher12

In a thread on homelessness in the US, Frowner provides some tips on how to help the unhoused.

by gnfti

A Love Story

β€œWhen I find myself dipping into the dark, I know that I can call up a Nelson town on the computer, and I begin to do the research, and I begin to conduct the interviews, and I start reaching out to people, and it just brings me back.”

Mefi MST Turkey Day 2024

πŸ¦ƒπŸ‘½ "Once again, we at MST Club, that tiny subset of the site that gathers to watch riffing and other things on Thursday nights ... are piping in the official Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day stream off of Youtube to watch in our video share room throughout Thanksgiving Day."

by taz

"That's So Nice Of You"

Out in the among the intertubes of the internet, AlSweigart found...something, and decided to share the surreal journey. You may never ask a stranger to take a photo of you again or you may ask every stranger to take a photo of you, the journey is just wonderfully odd!

supporting the vulnerable

Medievally Yours

A black-and-white, detailed illustration of a fish. The fish has a rounded, stocky body covered with textured patterns resembling scales and bumps. Its head is large with a prominent, somewhat grumpy expression, and it has short fins.Snotolf [Cyclopterus lumpus] MPM.HB.03961

Rumple has posted Antwerp's Plantin-Moretus Museum collection of 14,000 woodblock prints, now online as Public Domain / CC 0 high resolution TIFF images with tags and search capabilities. We stan the lumpy grumpy fish.

by taz

The signs are posted all over town

Reality is collapsing. There are no rules. But there is a Thread. It's weekly. It's free. It's your weekly #freethread. Say hello to Mrs. French's cat if you see her there.

by taz

Gifting Update

time capsules ... you can safely chew

black and white photo of Julia Child on the set of her TV showvia Slate, Julia Child on the set of her television show, with her editor Judith Jones in the background. Courtesy of Knopf

"Tell me what you cook, and I will tell you what you are." Frayed Knot posted Slate's 25 Most Important Recipes of the Past 100 Years

by taz

The librarian knows.

Illustration of single colorful sock, light blue with red, blue and peach stripes

Your sock is hiding in the dryer outside of eyesight. JohnnyGunn tells a funny story about calling the library to find out the location of their missing sock in pablocake's Ask Me post about a phone hotline (instead of Google) for questions. It should come as no surprise to Mefites that in this, as in so many things, librarians are our heroes! (or, as Mournful Bagel Song puts it, "unearthly beings of pure knowledge")

by taz

"For holiday shopping or spending down those gift cards"

image of colorful fireworks exploding off the open pages of a book

Flagged as fantastic! Or as kristi says, "an absolutely marvelous paragon of a post": joannemerriam's magnificent latest roundup of more than 50 new and forthcoming small press books. πŸ“–β£οΈ

by taz

A Man of Parts and Learning

A historical painting depicts a Black man in 18th-century attire standing in a study or library. He is dressed in a blue coat with yellow trim, white stockings, and black shoes, and is wearing a white wig. The surroundings feature a large bookshelf filled with books, a wooden chair, a table with an open book, his hand lying upon it, a globe, and a celestial globe. A window behind him shows a landscape with a building and trees under a twilight blue sky. The floor is checkered, and a curtain with a intricate tassel hangs to the right.18th Century portrait of Francis Williams in his study

like a real life version of a spy thriller (art & science history edition) β€” comment by Ausamor

Kattullus has posted about the mysteries of the portrait of Francis Williams, brilliant Black Jamaican polymath and member of the Newtonian inner circle ... and the painted clues that untangled his life story. Great art sleuthing, and a fascinating tale, then and now.

by taz

The Gift of the Mefi

A bit of Irish for ya

Image by Scott Curran, via Flickr (

I've always enjoyed traditional Irish music, so these recent uploads to the Music section by wurl1tzer_c0 have brought a smile to my face and a bit of head bobbing. Here's 30 seconds of a traditional tune and later post of another traditional tune, "Maid behind the bar" !

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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