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Posts from September 2023

Am🐝ent Drone

Oh, wow, interesting! From moonmilk, in Music: For an installation at Moogfest in 2016, I put a bunch of sensors in a beehive and used the data to generate drone music. The sensors included air temperature and air pressure and some touch and light sensors to sense when bees were entering and exiting the hive.

by taz

Outlook: Swarmish, with a chance of Bees

"Phrygian? I don't even know Ian!"

Screen capture of a title page showing the text Phrygian at the top, a background of musical notes, and in the foreground an anime character wielding a sword and an angry Pikachu

Sure, you probably know there are major and minor scales. But unless you're really into music theory you might not realize those scales come in a whole variety of flavors called "modes"... Goofy, threatening, mysterious, devastating, relaxing: Zargon X posted 8-Bit Music Theory's analysis videos that use game music to illustrate modes.

by taz

Cheese Blaster

abstract image of what looks like orange and yellow exploding viscous material from art by Susan Wilkinson on

at some point the mechanics of the cheese come into play, and what starts out as a faster stream of a continuous connected bead of cheese foam will begin to break apart into a cheese sputter, then a cheese spritz, and eventually a sort of atomized cheese ... SaltySalticid addresses the practical and theoretical issues of faster Easy Cheese in Literaryhero's Ask Metafilter question

by taz

An eggcelent message

photo of egg with writing on it 72 years ago in Iowa, a worker named Mary Foss wrote a message onto an egg. She put the egg into a carton and sent the carton out for distribution.Β Last month, someone responded

Rare Jewels

Didsbury Old Parsonage Sundial Panel Install 1Didsbury Old Parsonage Sundial Panel Install 1 by Sundials by Carmichael (cc by)

zamboni posted Time in the Sun about the site "Stained Glass Sundials" featuring hundreds of amazing stained glass timepiece installations with sundial faces that allow you to tell the time from inside or outside.

by taz

Weird things your cat does

photo of a cat named JoeJoe the cat looking weird but happy Part of MetaFilter's fundraiser this year involved temporarily allowing more chatfilter type questions. It took a while, but eventually an Ask MetaFilter question about weird things your cat does was posted by spamandkimchi!

Unsung heroes of illustration

photo of colored drawing pencils MetaFilter member ' bouvin' posted about Pete Beard, who has just published his 100th episode of 'Unsung Heroes of Illustration', a series which covers illustrators born between 1850 and 1910.

The Game's Afoot ...

Impressionist painting in dark tones from the point of view of a boat on the ThamesThe Houses of Parliament (Effect of Fog), Claude Monet

You are a man of guile, means and influence in Victorian England and you know what orders to give to get the following done. You want to have a patient kidnapped from a hospital and secretly installed with people you trust. We're helping Omnomnom abduct(?) liberate(?) a gent from a British infirmary in the 1800s. What could go wrong?

by taz


Screwdriver on a White BackgroundScrewdriver on a White Background by wuestenigel (cc by)

You need to do a thing - NOW! For when you need to calculate a thing, or look up a thing, or be able to do the thing in your Browser without any faff: Faintdreams posted a Big list of free In-Browser, Single Use tools

by taz

Give yourself grace

GoneGone by M.P.N.texan (cc by-nc)

I'm a Certified Professional Organizer ... Mefi member The Wrong Kind of Cheese again comes to our aid with great, specific advice, this time in a question about dealing with the unneeded, unused, yet still emotionally meaningful items that sometimes overwhelm our storage areas ... and our feelings.

by taz

A Mystery That Should Not Exist

A years long search for the cover artist of an edition of "A Wrinkle in Time" comes to an end with the help of WBUR's Endless Thread podcast

"this unusual practice"

Image of the three of swords from the original Ryder Waite tarot deck: three swords piercing a red heart with stylized clouds above and rain slanting down behind

I hope I'm the only sideshow-school casualty out there. I spent a month or so in the hospital after my own act went horribly awry... in sword-swallowing, everyone gets hurt eventually. Transmissions From Vrillon shares first-person experience in the post on Sword Swallowing And Its Side Effects.

by taz

Over in Ask Metafilter, community member 'OHenryPacey' chimes in with a great answer about what's best for dental implants and grafts.

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





