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Posts tagged with update

State of MetaFilter, 2017
Hey, folks! Here's an update from cortex on the State of MetaFilter. (Spoiler: things are ok!)

by cortex

State of Metafilter, and funding update

It's been a year since Metafilter was dealing with a massive financial crisis and layoffs, and things are a lot more stable today, thanks in large part to the tremendous generosity of the Metafilter community in helping to fund the site's operation. Here's a round-up of the last year's events, and what's next for the site, as well as some new details on how folks can help the site out financially.

We want to say thank you, again, to all the folks on Metafilter and in the web community at large who care about this site and support its continued presence as a unique, vibrant place on the internet.

by cortex

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





