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Two deep sea experts walk into a bar...

Submarine Ring of Fire 2004Submarine Ring of Fire 2004 by USFWS Pacific (cc by)

In the MH370 recovery thread, a comment from a member well-versed in deep sea dives via submarine and a comment from a member with knowledge of the ocean floor are both not to be missed.

by mathowie

our brainless ancestors

Kimberellaa restoration of what a Kimberella might look like

[O]ur most recent common ancestor with octopus might have looked something like this... more like an octopus than a human. Our most recent common ancestor was some kind of soft-bodied blob that existed well over half a billion years ago and had no head, no eyes, and only a very basic, decentralized nervous system. In other words, our common ancestor had no brain.

by jessamyn

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





