185: A very wearing my bathrobe all day day
It's episode 185 of the MetaFilter podcast, with cortex and jessamyn!
185: A very wearing my bathrobe all day day
It's episode 185 of the MetaFilter podcast, with cortex and jessamyn!
184: Sentences are music
It's episode 184 of the MetaFilter monthly podcast, with jessamyn and cortex! Big ups to eotvos for doing the editing this month.
183: Severance, not Succession
It's episode 183 of the MetaFilter monthly podcast, with jessamyn and cortex!
182: too many trees, not enough goats
Hey, it's episode 182 of the podcast with cortex and jessamyn.
181: Pivot Table the Calendar
It's episode 181 of the MeFi podcast with jessamyn and cortex!
180: Is Sunset A Local Phenomenon?
Happy New Year, it's episode 180 of the MetaFilter podcast with jessamyn and cortex!
179: Calendrical Is Totally A Word
Break out the sound-emitting devices, it's episode 179 of the MeFi podcast with jessamyn and cortex!
178: Leisure Suit Larry's, Uh, Pixels
Behold, episode 178 of the MetaFilter podcast with cortex and Jessamyn!
177: Good Soup
It's episode 177 of the MeFi Monthly Podcast with jessamyn and cortex!
176: Low-Key Podcast
Hey, it's episode 176 of the MeFi podcast with cortex and jessamyn!
175: Don't Throw The Banana Peel In The Toilet
Heyyyy, it's episode 175 of the MetaFilter Monthly Podcast with cortex and jessamyn!
174: Knobs and Dials
Need some weekend listening? Here's Episode 174 of the MetaFilter podcast with cortex and jessamyn.
173: No That's A Different Penguin
Hey, it's Episode 173 of the MetaFilter Monthly Podcast with cortex and jessamyn!
172: I'll Get There At Some Point
Ahoyhoy, it's episode 172 of the MetaFilter podcast with jessamyn and cortex!
Podcast #171: Was I Weird
No foolin' [listens to ear mic] oh that was five days ago? anyway it's episode 171 of the MetaFilter Monthly Podcast with cortex and jessamyn.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.