Best Of MetaFilter

Posts from April 2015

Got it in one!

The Amazing Extreme EquilibriumThe Amazing Extreme Equilibrium by Vitor Sá Photo (cc by-nc)

Dirtdirt asks for examples of when an actor pulled off some ridiculous unlikely thing on film, ideally on the first try.

by taz

Spa Me!

Sole SearchingSole Searching by ladyb (cc by-nd)

Great suggestions from barchan in response to "Help a girl on a budget have a spa day in the privacy of her own home," including links to DIY pampering concoctions.

by taz

Caution-ary Tales

sol ringsol ring by fuzzysaurus (cc by)

In a discussion of the current Hugo Award nominees, Monsieur Caution offers up a great, linkified alternative slate of personal favorites, plus points out a couple of posts on 2014 SFF that fans might want to peruse.

by taz

Dr. Witten, I presume?

Huge congratulations to longtime Metafilter member and sociolinguist iamkimiam for completing her PhD disstertation, which grew from a simple question—just how the hell do you pronounce 'mefi'?—into a 250 page study of community practice and linguistic enregisterment.

by cortex

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





