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Posts tagged with sport

Corridor of uncertainty?

Eastons CC v Epping Foresters CC at Little Easton, Essex, England 084Eastons CC v Epping Foresters CC at Little Easton, Essex, England 084 (cc by)

Mefites describe cricket to each other in tomcooke's post thread about a serious amateur cricketer who found themself unexpectedly drafted in to make up the numbers in a village cricket match

by taz

World Cup 2018

Come share your excitement for the World Cup! There's also a bracket thread, and we'll sidebar Fanfare threads for livewatching as they go up.

FanFare goes to Rio

RIORIO by Isaias Fernandes (cc by)

Come join us on FanFare to discuss the Olympics! Tonight the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. All athletic events will be in the Olympic all-sports thread, and specific sports will be listed on the Olympics page as the games go on.

There's a MetaTalk thread for giving feedback on this experiment.

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MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





