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Posts tagged with snow

Tips for the snowpocalypse

STOP Snowing!STOP Snowing! by jpctalbot (cc by)

MeFi member Jane the Brown's guidance on how to survive and manage a heavy snowfall for a first-time homeowner is loaded with good advice.

Do not dig out the foundation. In fact, if it doesn't add to your effort, pile snow against the house. Your foundation should not leak from melting snow any more than it should leak from rain. In the meantime you can pile snow higher when it is against a wall and the snow has insulation properties, so that half burying your house in snow will cut your heating bills.

by mathowie

"if it was merely snow, we'd all be mostly fine...."

#Snowpocalypse Atlanta 2014 - traffic#Snowpocalypse Atlanta 2014 - traffic by William Brawley (cc by)

How a few inches of snow turned into an eight hour traffic jam.

by jessamyn

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