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Posts tagged with hvac

"... there are some questions that you should ask"

old fashioned 50s or 60s sign reading Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Mefi has a friendly neighborhood HVAC guy! Member HVACDC_Bag gives an in-depth, interesting answer to Tehhund's question about Choosing a HVAC system and installer

by taz

Is a heat pump worth it?

Heat Pump Field InstallationHeat Pump Field Installation by Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, Texas A&M (cc by)

MeFite larkery explains some of the data you have to assess when considering whether a heat pump is worth the expense.

In conclusion: it's really hard to work out whether heat pumps are a good idea or not - you need a lot of different data to get a good result, and some of those data are hard to come by.

by jessamyn

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