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Posts tagged with global

🥚Egg-cellent collection of recipes🥚

Photo by Marco Verch via Flickr (

Whipped/scrambled eggs are popular all over the world, as zamboni showcases in this post on the subject. Seriously, come check out the global possibilities, but don't blame us if you get a sudden hankering!

Say it to my face in over 100 languages!

Art by Ron Mader, via Flickr

Don't limit yourself to just one language when using slang! Be multi-lingual via gwint's sharing of the site and bask in the warm glow of being a language weltenbummler!

Grandma loves Uptown Funk

Screenshot from the video!

Come watch as people show off their favorites dance moves with Ed People in this fantastic video shared by storybored! Grandma has the moves!

Maybe breakfast isn't that important

Full EnglishFull English by jthetzel (cc by)

'Phunniemee' asked about cultures that don't eat breakfast. 'Jane the Brown' provided a deliciously enlightening answer that covers technology, logistics, and history.

Is your breast savage?

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Brandon Blatcher





