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Posts tagged with cancer

The uncertainties of trying experimental drug therapy, even for dying patients

Vaccine bottle with injection needleVaccine bottle with injection needle by wuestenigel (cc by)

Scblackman, oncologist and cancer drug developer, talks about early access to experimental drug therapy.

The problem with trusting a prognosis

In a thread about a doctor confronting misdiagnoses and financially strapped hospitals, MeFi member stormpooper tells the story of her own mother's recent passing due to misdiagnosis, cancer, and bureaucracy:

But if you take away the barriers of economics, both women had fear of what would happen to them, their family, their job (although my mom didn't work). And that shouldn't be. There should be no fear---period. I can't imagine every nuance of what my mom and this woman in the story went through during their disease but I can say I saw how afraid my mom was of dying when her time was coming. Both were braver than I could ever be and they deserved better.

by mathowie

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