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Posts tagged with antarctica

How do you pronounce "Blizzard"?

antarctica research baseantarctica research base by ▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓ (cc by-sa)

Mefi member chariot pulled by cassowaries posted How Scientists Working in Antarctica Inadvertently Developed a New Accent. A 2019 study of scientists over-wintering in Antarctica revealed subtle but measurable changes in the participants’ speech.

by taz

brr ⛄️

Daylight photo of a round red apple-like pod structure in foreground with a background of a mostly flat, empty snowy expanse and beautiful fluffy clouds spreading out over a huge skyShelters strategically placed along routes that are far from town and stocked with emergency blankets, clothes, cots, food, first aid, and other supplies you may need if you’re caught out in a storm or experience an injury.

Tedious posts about infrastructure ... but in Antarctica! "This is the premise of ⛄, a cool little blog written by an IT worker who is currently at the South Pole."

by taz

The nitty gritty

Ancient EpidavrosAncient Epidavros by AldoBergsma (cc by)

modernhypatia tells us how to approach ancient Greek theater and lysimache suggests how to get started learning ancient Greek to read the tragedies for yourself.

functionequalsform gives us the inside tips and tricks from a retail makeup artist.

none of these will bring disaster has the inside scoop on how local news programs get made.

Deoridhe offers a timeline of prominent women in science fiction to bust the myth that sci fi has always been for boys

On a post about Mefi's own Maciej Cegłowski's Antarctica essay, we hear from some Mefites who have lived at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. McMurdo not remote enough? How about a daring mid-winter rescue mission at the South Pole?

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





