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Posts tagged with 1920s

Everyone's a Critic: Time Slip Edition

illustration of young children in party clothes toddling down corridor of foundering ship at 11 pmEagle-eyed 1920s viewers wanted to know why these kids were awake, overdressed, and rambling about at 11 pm

It's oddly comforting to know that people have always been fussy about make-believe. — Burhanistan

Ten Cold Hot Dogs posts the Tropes, Cliches and Sloppy Mistakes that Annoyed Moviegoers 100 Years Ago

by taz

Radio active voice

The Brox Sisters tune their radioThe Brox Sisters tune their radio

I'm working on a performance bit that uses 1920s diction, but there's something I'm missing. What are the elements of the popular radio voice that make it distinctive?

Some interesting answers to monkihed's interesting question, Linguists: what makes the 1920s voice so distinctive?

by taz

They were known as the mask dancers

Lavinia SchulzExpressionistische Tanzstudie Tanzbertchen der Tänzerin Lavinia Schulz

Knowledge of their astonishingly bizarre and tragic art is obscure and largely based on the rediscovery in 1986 of artifacts deposited in a Hamburg museum back in 1925.

The strange story of the 1920s German expressionist mask dancers Lavinia Schulz and Walter Holdt in Dying for their Art.

by taz

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