Best Of MetaFilter

Posts from December 2008

"Listening for the size of the city" how a blind person sees New York.

"Dear Brittney, Enjoy your bicycle and be safe! Love, Katie and the Internet"

"My dad died. He went to the other side for 11 minutes and then lingered in Hades' antechamber for three full days. Mark Roth, or a scientist like him, saved my father's life."

Someone on MeFi writes for the Muppets!

My grandfather's just got a laptop and will enjoying seeing himself in archival footage on "the YouTube".

The MeFiMall (aka ShopMe) is open for business. Got something to sell for holidaytime, check the MeTa thread for information.

All throughout December we'll be tracking the best posts for our quasi-annual December Awesome Post Contest. Winners announced in early January.

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





